Sunday, July 1, 2007

آخرين وب سايت من

آقا جان آخرين وب سايتي كه روش كار ميكردم هم با خير و خوشي تمام شد. فقط مونده مرحله هيجان انگيز تسويه حساب كه اون هم انشااله درست ميشه. اين وب سايت آخريم مال تنها شركت توليد كننده نوار چسب هاي توليد ايران بود. آدرس اين وب سايت اينه: ممنون ميشم نظر بدين


Anonymous said...

خوب شده خسته نباشی.
امیدوارم بازار طراحی سایت بهتر بشه.

بنده زاده said...

ممنونم از نظر شما

حمید said...

Cute Feri,

I was wondering why you still persist on such a ridicul nickname you are using.

Is that possible for you to use your blog's name rather than Bili.

About your latest website:

Why do you still stick to such an old technologu (ASP) for web deploying?

Switch to ASP.Net and use AJax and pray to Microsoft for such a nice tools. If you knew how easy it would be to work with WPF (in .Net 3.0+) you would never take one more second on ASP classic.

About UI: That's a classic format and is alright.

Good luck.

بنده زاده said...

سيستم خونه من ضعيفه و جواب براي دات نت نميده